Welcome to Jeanerica Imparfaite

Discover a curated selection of pre-loved Jeanerica pieces, unique vintage finds from among others our Parisian partner Le Vif, and exclusive Jeanerica Facilités. The latest category will showcase one-of-a-kind Jeanerica samples or up-cycled unique pieces that were never brought into production but are deserving of their own spotlight. Each garment carries a unique narrative, celebrating imperfection and enduring style.

As a seller, receive credits to shop new pieces on our site, fostering a cycle of style and sustainability.

Jeanerica Imparfaiteʼs mission is to extend the life of our pieces and promote a circular approach to fashion. While we acknowledge the challenges in sustainable fashion, together, weʼre making strides towards closing the loop in the industry. Join us in this journey towards a more conscious future.

Want to trade-in? Resell your clothes here.